This top five list looks at the largest cities in California with the highest voter turnout rates; high volunteer rates among residents; and cities that have accessible information about the boards/commissions application and appointment process. Civic engagement can take various forms but ultimately, it means that citizens are participating in the growth of the community and are committed to improving conditions for others to aid in the development of the community’s future. The more progressive and responsive cities are made up of residents who have the ability to volunteer and serve in leadership capacities on city boards and commissions around various topics including arts/culture, disabilities, disaster recovery, economic development, and other areas important to residents. It can sometimes be difficult, however, to plug into the community service culture if you don’t know where to look. Here you'll find a quick synopsis and guide for the five largest cities in California that scored relatively high in volunteerism and voter turnout. Data was extracted from the 2013 Volunteering and Civic Life in America report issued by the Corporation for National Community Service, the Board of Elections for each city, and city websites for information about boards and commissions.
This large city ranks number 8 in the US with an estimated 2014 population of 1,381,069 up from 1,307,402 per the 2010 Census. The voter turnout rate in the 2014 general election was 44.76% and 76.98% for the 2012 general presidential election which made San Diego number 1 in voter turnout. As of 2013, the volunteer rate was 29% and ranked number 15 among the top 50 largest cities in the US. If you want to volunteer to serve on a commission or board, follow this link and easily learn about the vacant opportunities and application process: The city also has a volunteer office for those who want to serve in a different capacity separate from a commission.
This city ranks number 13 in population with an estimated 2014 population of 852,469 up from 805,235 per the 2010 Census. The voter turnout rate in the 2014 general election was 53.03% and 72.56% for the 2012 general presidential election which made San Francisco number 2 in voter turnout in the state of California. As of 2013, the volunteer rate was 31% and ranked number 10 among the top 50 largest cities. After typing ‘commissions’ in the search box at, the first result was this page: Click on each listed board to learn about the vacancies, current appointees, and application process.
This city ranks number 10 in population with an estimated 2014 population of 1,015,785 up from 945,942 per the 2010 Census. The voter turnout rate in the 2014 general election was 50.18% and 79.87% for the 2012 general presidential election which made San Jose number 3 in voter turnout in California. As of 2013, the volunteer rate was 30.4% and ranked number 14 among the top 50 largest cities. It was easy to find the general city-sponsored volunteer opportunities which includes a link to information about boards/commissions:
This city ranks number 35 in US population with an estimated 2014 population of 485,199 up from 466,488 per the 2010 Census. The voter turnout rate in the 2014 general election was 48.4% and 74.7% for the 2012 general presidential election which made Sacramento number 4 in voter turnout in California. As of 2013, the volunteer rate was 26% and ranked number 33 among the top 50 largest cities. Visitors should search under the ‘Clerk’ tab, to reach the Boards and Commissions page: Click ‘apply for board’ to complete the on-line application.
This city ranks number 2 in US population with an estimated 2014 population of 3,928,864 up from 3,792,621 per the 2010 Census. The voter turnout rate in the 2014 general election was 23% and 71% for the 2012 general presidential election which made Los Angeles number 5 in voter turnout in California. As of 2013, the volunteer rate was 21.1% and ranked number 45 among the top 50 largest cities. Click this link to see a list of city-sponsored opportunities: You’ll find the boards and commissions listed under a different tab called city government: No application was available and all appointments are made by the mayor. Los Angeles is the largest city but its service rates are disturbingly low as is the voter turnout rate in 2014.
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